Hawai Italia Grinn: sustainable innovation of eco-friendly speedlaces

Hawai Italia, a company recognized for its unceasing research and innovation, chooses to move toward metal-free solutions, thus avoiding in the footwear components it produces the common problems associated with metal, such as rusting and deterioration. The Grinn line, stands out as a new generation of products designed to simplify production processes with a cutting-edge, sustainable approach. Committed to unceasisngly investing in eco-friendly technologies, Hawai Italia has partnered with S.P.S. Tecnologia Meccanica, which has developed innovative machines for the automated application of speedlaces. The new composite material stands out for its strength and durability as well as environmental friendliness, and has the rare property for a plastic material to withstand high processing temperatures while ensuring full reliability. This material is one of the main strengths of the new items presented at Safety Expo 2024, as it can be cold molded without losing its properties. Hawai’s long experience in the development of innovative production processes and processing of plastics has certainly played a key role in the production of this speedlace, that, with its name “Grinn”, is intended to evoke an eco-friendly appeal. Thanks to these cutting-edge solutions, the Grinn line offers concrete benefits: a reduction of more than 20 percent in plastic use, significant energy savings, and increased production efficiency due to shorter processing and application times. Moreover, thanks to one-piece management, the company is able to save up to 30% in material, thus greatly reducing its environmental impact. In addition, waste is recycled, confirming the product’s green soul. Grinn composite is also compatible with manual mechanical machinery, providing flexibility and adaptability to different production contexts.

HAWAI – www.hawai.it