Mpa Style Tannery November 2023, pubblication for tanneries and leather sector
Mpa Style Tannery November 2023, Readership includes tannery owners and managers: leather technicians; chemists; machinery suppliers; upholstery, automobile and clothing industries; leather buyers and international traders.
Click on the cover and enjoy your reading
Report Simac Tanning Tech 2023
ASSOMAC – Framework of the Italian leather industry
LINEAPELLE – leather market overview – 2 nd quarter 2023
INDEX: Acle Fair – Aplf Ltd. , Acque Del Chiampo , Aicc – Associazione Italiana Chimici Del Cuoio , Assomac Servizi , Bauce Tri.Ma , Bergi , Costruz. Meccaniche Persico , Costruzioni Meccaniche Persico , Crm Informatica , D.M.S. International , D.M.S. Italia , Danese-Calati-Ezipcut-Carm , Dermacolor , El.Pa. Service , Escomar Italia , Feltre Srl , Ge.Ma.Ta , Ger Elettronica , Gsc Group , Htf , Italprogetti , Iultcs , Leder Chimica , Lineapelle Fair , Mec Man , Microfilm , Mm Meggiolaro , Mm Solution , New 3p , Nexus , Officine Di Cartigliano , Omfas , Osmo , Pajusco Tecnologie , Revomec , Revomec , Rotacoat , S.C. Costruzioni Meccaniche , Silvateam , Simac Tanning Tech , Sintex , Spraytech , Syn-Bios , Teknoleather , Tiemme Forni Varese , Todesco , Unic Economic Service