Style Tannery Settembre 2021

Style TANNERY September 2021, pubblication for tanneries and leather sector.

Readership includes tannery owners and managers: leather technicians; chemists; machinery suppliers; upholstery, automobile and clothing industries; leather buyers and international traders

Leather Trend Forecast Summer 2023

The “healing” habits will become part of daily life, the colors will restore and support physical and mental health.
The influence of video games and virtual reality will alter the boundaries between our online and offline existence. Saturated and stimulating colors will also return, driven by a desire for positivity.

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Style Tannery Settembre 2021

INDEX: Acque Del Chiampo, Aircom, Aletti Giovanni E Figli, Baggio Tecnologie, Bauce Tri.Ma, Bergi, Danese, Center 2000, Jeko Solutions,Chemipal, Cos.T.A., Costruzioni Meccaniche Persico, D.M.S. International, D.M.S. Italia, Dermacolor, Distretto Veneto Della Pelle, Dogi International, Escomar Italia, Ge.Ma.Ta, Htf, I-Tech, Italprogetti, Leder Chimica, Pajusco Tecnologie, Poletto, Revomec,S.C. Costruzioni Meccaniche, Silvateam, Sintex, Smit & Zoon, Ssip Stazione Sperimentale, Stahl, Syn-Bios, Tfl Italia Spa, United Chemicals