UITIC 2023, 21st UITIC International Footwear Technology Congress CALL FOR PAPERS

Thanks to a prestigious partnership between Assomac and UITIC, the 21st UITIC International Footwear Congress, will take place on September 19th to 22nd in Milan and Vigevano, Italy.

The congress will be dedicated to “Moving towards Sustainability through Innovation” and all abstracts must be submitted online no later than 15th May 2023, through an easy access system which has been set up to submit presentations on: Call for proposal

Françoise Nicolas, Chair of the UITIC Congress Scientific Committee, declared: “During this 21st UITIC Congress we are expecting speakers from footwear companies, research centers, universities or service providers for presenting new ideas, findings or applications in the field of sustainability and innovation in the footwear business or in related industries.”

Maria Vittoria Brustia, President of Assomac Servizi, declared: “September appointment will be a natural landing for UITIC, that will find its first expression and, above all, a suitable stage to promote the goal that unites us: to spread and create an open and shared system in order to support the single institutions in their growth, with a fairly competitive and collaborative tension at the same time.”

Yves Morin, President of UITIC, declared: “UITIC members are delighted to join forces with such a prestigious Italian partner as ASSOMAC and we are very enthusiastic about the idea of organizing our 21st UITIC Congress in Italy, a country which is an undisputed reference in terms of innovation, technology and sustainability for the footwear industry. We couldn’t have wished for a better destination than Italy for the restart of our UITIC congresses.”

Sergio Dulio,

Chair of the UITIC Congress Organizational Committee, declared: “In UITIC 2023 we want to expose the footwear world with all the most important technological evolutions and trends that can affect the way shoes are designed and manufactured. We have prepared a conference program that covers all the relevant topics from sustainability to digital transformation, to logistic and supply chains, with a special focus on the human capital of tomorrow.”

More info: www.uitic-italy2023.com

The International Union of Shoe Industry Technicians (UITIC), established in 1972, is an organization which aims at developing technical knowledge in the footwear industry, in particular by organizing international conferences on a regular basis and by taking the initiative in setting up information exchanges between its members, mainly in the field of technology.

UITIC’s main activity is to organize the most prestigious meeting of experts in the world, the “UITIC International Footwear Congress”. This event tackles the latest technical problems or innovation in the footwear industry. Visits of footwear factories and related industries are organized before the Congress. UITIC’s members are footwear experts, research centers, private companies and technicians from footwear associations, coming from 27 countries.

National Association of manufacturers of technologies for Footwear, Leathergoods and Tanning, in Confindustria field, represents Italian footwear and tanning machinery, protecting interests of associated companies and promoting their activities on a national and international level. The main objective of the Association is the elaboration of sectorial politics able to enrich and develop the Italian know-how, promoting Associated companies.

Simac Tanning Tech
Simac Tanning Tech is the international event with the most qualified offer of machinery and technologies for the footwear, leather goods and tanning industries, which takes place in Milan, concurrently with Lineapelle. There are many services dedicated exclusively to the visitor, allowing greater enjoyment range of merchandise, ease in the movements, better planning of the stay during the exhibition and a wider range of entertainment in the city. The event, reserved for the sector operators, will be held from 20 to 22 September 2022 at Milano Fiera Rho. .

uitic 2023